Exercise Mats for Sale

8/10/2020 - 13:12
A picture of a rolled gym mat on the floor at the feet of a person.
Did you know that you can also buy training mats from UniSport? You can get your own mat from Kluuvi, Kumpula and Otaniemi sports centres.

At the moment, we recommend using your own training or yoga mat at group training classes, or at least using a training towel on a borrowed mat.

We sell Casall Exercise Mat Balance mats in Kluuvi, Kumpula and Otaniemi sports centres. The thickness of the mat is three millimeters. The price of the mat is 21.90 euros.

Training towels are available at all our centres, except Töölö self-service gym. The price of the towel is 4.50 euros.