Well-being at work remotely
In many organisations, especially in ITC work, remote work is possible and flexible. The coronavirus pandemic increased the number of remote workers also in other work communities. Remote work is part of the working day for many of us. This kind of work also poses challenges. How do you maintain your team's sense of community and look after well-being at work? The significance of physical activity also increases, as the amount of daily physical activity may decrease as employees no longer commute between the home and the workplace.
UniSport also supports work communities in exercising and promoting well-being at work remotely. We carry out weekly or individual group exercise classes, recreational and well-being at work days, well-being lectures and office workouts in a virtual manner.
Remote workouts encourage your employees to exercise. Our remote services have reached more than three times the number of participants in our customers' staff compared to the weekly group class organised at the sports centre.
Meet colleagues during physical activity and encourage each other to take care of well-being. Our classes include Pilates, different types of yoga, body care, dance classes and body weight fitness. Usually you only need comfortable clothes and suitable footwear as well as a drinking bottle and possibly an exercise mat.
The service is arranged through the Zoom video service.
Let's work together to build a package suitable for your group or team to support well-being.